Happiness and Wellbeing

For me, the radio is something I usually only turn on to relieve the boredom of doing housework, or of being trapped in the car for a long-distance journey. It was therefore entirely by chance […]

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Hurrah – I did it!

  Something which made me joyous this month? ……. taking part in and completing, a Marathon. Just a year after an enforced rest due to surgery, I was able to travel up to Manchester and […]

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Autumn ’21

Time, as time does, has continued to pass – almost unnoticed, and now we’re in Autumn.   Is Autumn merely a transition, or a time of limbo – neither summer nor winter? The time of […]

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Springtime:  the season for starting anew. I haven’t posted anything here for quite some time – the winter seemed to hang heavily for a while. I started to write many times but, as words didn’t […]

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Wise Words

I recently came across these words whilst looking through my Facebook newsfeed and thought them worth sharing here. Similar to guidance I was given some years ago, it advocates a simple but effective way forward. […]

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Happy New Year

Brush away old heart-aches,Learn from our mistakes.The year is finally over– A new dawn now awakes.                      Year 2020 is ending, As we welcome ’21. Let’s put bad things behind us And look towards the sun. […]

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Christmas Cards

Beautiful illustrations of children in sledges, robins on bushes, Santa with a sack full of presents, a nativity scene. We are all familiar with such cards, but have you ever wondered how the tradition of […]

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Covid-19 Respite

We have another, very different poem for our current time. One which is gentle food for the soul. Thank you Lou for forwarding it to me.         ‘When it is unsafe to touch the hand […]

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Life Reflections In Covid-19 times

I have been sent a copy of a brilliant poem, written during the current Covid-19 pandemic by kiwi poet, Jan Beaumont. Thanks for sending it Val! (The poem has been widely mistaken as a ‘Pam […]

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You want to feel happier?

 Then start by accepting that some things are tough!:  Research has shown a general feeling of autonomy to be an important part of our general feeling of well-being.  We need to feel in control of […]

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