
Update May 2023:

‘The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft a gley’ 

I was once again reminded of the famous line written by Robert Burns, when the weather recently changed my plans quite dramatically. But abandoning my carefully prepared schedule actually resulted in a really happy few days in the far west of Cornwall.

I have shared some photos with you on my ‘What We Do’ page and hope you enjoy looking at them. 

Jennifer x

Update March 2022:

We have just had the Spring Equinox and a period of settled, sunny weather, both of which brought a feeling of rebirth and invigoration.

It has also renewed my enthusiasm to take this webpage/blog forward – I hope that you will come along and enjoy it with me…….

Jennifer x

Welcome to ‘Joyously Jennifer’

Through these pages, I hope to share with you my fascination with life –

How we live our lives, why we act as we do, and what we can take control of ourselves in order to make our lives happier. I shall also look at some more specific things that can help us with a ‘feel good’ factor.

My interests are wide, so psychology, food, exercise and fashion are just some of the categories that I will look at and share with you.  Please use this site as a platform for exploration of things which may help you to feel happy too.

And if there is something you would like to hear more about …..just click on the ‘contact me’ link and let me know.

Jennifer x

Some of my ‘happy’ things…….

What are your happy things?

Do you have a favourite party outfit? A special pet? A favourite book? A view that always cheers you up?

Please let me know and they could end up in a featured gallery here, on 

Joyously Jennifer