Mind and Spirit / Other

Wise Words

I recently came across these words whilst looking through my Facebook newsfeed and thought them worth sharing here. Similar to guidance I was given some years ago, it advocates a simple but effective way forward.

“My grandmother once gave me a tip:

In difficult times, you move forward in small steps.

Do what you have to do, but little by little.

Don’t think about the future, or what may happen tomorrow.

Wash the dishes.

Remove the dust.

Write a letter.

Make a soup.

You see?

You are advancing step by step.

Take a step and stop.

Rest a little.

Praise yourself.

Take another step.

Then another.

You won’t notice, but your steps will grow more and more.

And the time will come when you can think about the future without crying.”

– Elena Mikhalkova


January 6, 2021 at 8:31 pm

Completely agree, moving step by step is an easier way to climb a mountain, before you know it, you will have reached the peak. Thanks for the positivity in lockdown 3.0 !

January 16, 2021 at 6:40 pm

Completely agree too! I have been trying to keep this in mind recently when the ‘to do’ list can threaten to seem overwhelming.

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