Book Reviews / What we do

Cod in Devon

                                                                 by Sandy Fish

Today we have a book review from a guest blogger. Thank you Val:

I was recently given the book Cod in Devon, a birthday gift from my husband. Released in January this year, it’s the first novel by west country author Sandy Fish who has recently retired from the Devon and Cornwall police.
Drawing on her own experience, it’s the humorous story of meticulous, punctual and scrupulously honest Janet Elliot who has an aversion to bad language and finds some entertaining alternatives. On the first day of her retirement from the aforesaid police force, Janet is reunited with her long lost, and very different, older sister. The pair set off into Cornwall in search of their mysterious and elusive younger brother with whom they have both lost touch over the years.
Their journey takes many extraordinary and, apparently dangerous, twists and turns making both women confront their beliefs and regrets while they get to know each other once more and rise to the challenges of an increasingly complicated and exhausting day.
A lovely, undemanding and entertaining read.

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