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One of my most favourite things to do is to read:

I have always loved books – the feel of them, the smell of them and of course, what their words tell me. A book can transport me to another age, another country, another world. Just don’t ask me a question when I’m engrossed in a story – I won’t hear you!

A book can open my eyes to different ways of thinking or teach me new skills. A book can be a reference tool or a ‘how to’ guide. But just as importantly, a book can be purely for pleasure – there are books to suit every mood.

I love the thrill of a new book – whether borrowed or bought. But I also have favourites which I revisit time after time.

Books – definitely on my list of ‘happy things

Boots - made for walking

September 20, 2020

This Week's 'Must Read'

September 21, 2020