About me …..

If we’re to be friends –

you probably would like to know a litttle bit about me.

So here’s a short introduction –

Born on the south coast of England, I grew up mainly in Berkshire, brought my children up in Herefordshire and now live in a small hamlet on the north coast of Cornwall. It is a beautiful part of England although, it has to be said, we do experience a lot of weather here. Particularly of the windy, mizzly kind! The positive side of that is that the views are always changing and we always have something to talk about.

I am a proud mother of two  grown-up children, both of whom live ‘up country’, whilst I live here with my husband and our rescue cat.

Naturally inquisitive and restless in spirit, I am always giving myself challenges or learning something new. For instance, I recently finished a Masters degree in Forensic Psychology, and am currently learning spanish (and also how to blog)

A large part of my time, however, is spent walking, running, cycling and taking part in other enjoyable exercises –  sometimes on my own, and sometimes with my wonderful friends. Of course, we do sometimes just sit over a drink and chat!

Socialising and sharing with friends is very important to me. I hope that, by visiting this blog,  you too will become a friend.

Jennifer x



Me – relaxing with a nice glass of red wine